Want to learn more about our company and/or inquire about a potential booking?  

We are happy to answer any and all questions and inquiries. 


For Private Events, please include in your message:


-date and time

-age range of kids attending

Brooklyn, NY


Penny and the Puppettes® is a live, interactive, musical-comedy puppet show designed for kids ages 1-8. Featuring the singing of NYU musical theatre graduates, Penny and the Puppettes® brings a genuine theater experience to your birthday party, school, library, camp, or other event. They offer 1 to 3 person shows! 

The Puppettes perform an original 30-50 minute show with all of their Puppette friends, using comedy and lots of audience participation to draw the children into the experience. 

Every show is customized and age-appropriate. In brief humorous sketches before each song, Penny and the Puppettes® empower the children to deal with shyness and peer-pressure, to care for nature, and to respect their own feelings and the feelings of others. 

Parents and teachers are pleased to have life lessons presented through music, laughter and fun. 


Penny & the Puppettes | live, interactive musicals with puppets and comedy

Live, interactive, 30-50 minute musicals with puppets and comedy. We perform for schools, libraries, corporate events, festivals, birthday parties, and parks in Long Island. Every show is customized and age appropriate. Our songs begin with a brief skit involving a puppet and a problem that the kids get to help fix.

Sessa and Lenny partyin' it up!

Sessa and Lenny partyin' it up!

Welcome!  Penny and the Puppettes® is a Long Island theater troupe created by mother-daughter team Jane Stratten and Merissa Morin.

Featuring the singing of NYU and Syracuse musical theatre graduates, we bring a genuine theater experience to your festival, school, library, camp, birthday party, or other event. 

Nini (Jane) and Sessa (Merissa) and all their barnyard friends!

Nini (Jane) and Sessa (Merissa) and all their barnyard friends!






new jersey

Four year-old birthday party

Four year-old birthday party

Live, interactive, musical-comedy puppet shows with lots of audience participation to keep the children captivated the entire time!  We offer 1 to 3 person shows from 30 to 50 minutes in length.

Learn more  >

"Old Macdonald," Puppette-style

"Old Macdonald," Puppette-style

Our huge success with very large groups of children is due to our winning combination of live catchy music along with zesty singing-talking-muppet-style puppets.  Penny and the Puppettes brings a genuine theater experience to festivals, libraries, and more!

Learn more  >

Penny and the Puppettes are committed to being a green company, and caring for this earth and everyone on it in the way they hope generations to come will.  Recycled products were used in the making of puppets, business cards, postcards, the puppet theater, and more.